Linking to "Kill Michael Vaughn"...
    Do you have your own website, blog or regular haunt? Then the "Kill Michael Vaughn" Campaign needs your help!
Download one of the following buttons and put it on your own website (or your blog, or a signature on a forum, etc) and link it back here - - to help spread the word.

(Please be sure to upload your chosen image to your own webspace! Bandwidth does not grow on trees! Location of these files may change intermittently, too, depending on site design necessities.)
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!
Kill Michael Vaughn!

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(exact code needed may vary between forums!)

Don't forget to change the "YOUR-URL-HERE" to the location of your webspace! If you don't have any of your own, offers extremely easy to use, and free, space to people.

Thank you for your support!

Disclaimer: All characters and concepts mentioned in this piece remain the property of their respective owners.
This article may not be reproduced in any form without prior consent.
The writer can be contacted at kmv AT
Old content is archived here.
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KMV also available in: Red, Blue, Grey, Dorky.
With special thanks to The Evil Striped Socks.
138971 people think the geese at MVCampaign have no sense of humour.